Veterans Treatment Court


Israel Enriquez, 5th Judicial District Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator
260 4th Ave. N., Ste #B
P.O. Box 126
Twin Falls, ID  83303-0126
(208) 736-4122 Phone
(208) 735-4360 Fax

Veterans Treatment Court Schedule (Twin Falls):
Staffing: Tues. at 3:45 pm (1st Tues), 4:00 pm (2nd-5th Tues)
Court: Tues. at 4:30 pm

A veteran treatment court is a specialized court docket for justice involved veterans that substitute a problem-solving model for traditional criminal court processing. Participants who are identified as qualified veteran offenders are given an opportunity to voluntarily participate in a judicially supervised post-conviction program developed jointly by a team of court staff, veteran services, peer mentors, and other community professionals.

From the first court established in 2008, the number of veteran treatment courts in the United States has grown to over 220 today with hundreds more in the planning stages. As judges, county and state leaders, and advocates continue to call for the establishment or expansion of veteran treatment courts in their jurisdictions, demand has steadily grown for information on designing, implementing, and revising veteran treatment courts to achieve desired public safety and public health outcomes.

The Fifth Judicial District Veterans Treatment Court began in October 2015 in Twin Falls and is presided over by the Honorable Eric J. Wildman. 

When did Veterans Treatment Court program start?

  • Twin Falls: October 2015

Program Participant Documents:

Veterans Treatment Court Volunteer Mentor Program

The mission of the 5th Judicial District Veterans Treatment Court Peer Mentoring program is for veterans to serve as mentors to fellow veterans who have entered the court system for various unlawful reasons. These peer mentors serve as a trusted individual the veteran participant can relate to and to confide in to help support the veteran participant through their readjustment to a productive civilian life. The peer mentor will act as a mentor, advocate, and ally thereby restoring their sense of camaraderie and promoting successful completion of their program.

Volunteering to be a peer mentor not only helps veterans involved in the program, it also provides the veteran mentor a critical role in the community and a sense of fulfillment that can only be achieved when one veteran saves the life of another. There is no bond as strong as the one that exists between those who have fought for their country.

Program Volunteer Documents:

Contact: Tabitha Eaton, Court Mentor Coordinator
Facebook Page: Click here!