Guardian/Conservator Monitoring

Guardianship & Conservatorship Monitoring Program

GCMP Coordinator:                    Kasey Kliegl
Address:                                     260 4th Avenue North, Suite B, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301
Telephone:                                  208-737-6810
Fax:                                             208-735-4360

Mission Statement:

To Protect and empower vulnerable individuals under guardianship or conservatorship through education, monitoring, enforcement, and community support.

The Fifth District Guardianship & Conservatorship Monitoring Program (GCMP) was created in 2014. The GCMP oversees all guardianship and conservatorship cases in the eight counties of the district. The eight counties include: Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls. It is the duty of the GCMP to oversee guardianship and/or conservatorship cases that have been established by the Court and track the well-being of the vulnerable person through reporting requirements and monitoring.

The overall goal of court monitoring is to help ensure:

  • That persons under guardianship or conservatorship are protected against abuse
  • That appointed persons understand and fulfill their duties and responsibilities both prior to and during their appointment
  • Implementation of streamlined policies, procedures, and forms in the court system
  • A third party review system for monitoring the care of person under guardianship and conservatorships. This includes the review of all required reports that are submitted to the Courts. There is also a possibility of home visits, telephone visits, collateral contacts, in office appointments, and complaint follow up by the coordinator and/or volunteer visitors.

The GCMP provides the following services:

  • Answer questions about guardianships & conservatorships or direct inquires to an appropriate authority
  • Answer questions about the complaint process and review received complaints if directed by the Judge
  • Develop ongoing resources and training about guardianships and conservatorships
  • Notify the Judge when reporting concerns have been resolved and request that a hearing be vacated
  • Bring a case to the attention of the Guardian Ad Litem, Attorney’s, Judge’s, and other relevant parties if needed
  • Direct guardian’s and conservator’s to community resources that may be able to assist them with any needs they may have
  • Conduct monitoring home visits, scheduled by the coordinator based on identified level of risk
  • File a home visit report to inform the Court as to the current status and/or needs of the person under guardianship and/or conservatorship
  • Collect, Compile, and analyze data relating to guardianships and conservatorships in the Fifth District
  • Identify the needs in the State of Idaho in relation to guardianships and conservatorships
  • Identify, recruit, and manage volunteers to assist in case monitoring function

Guardian & Conservator Duties and Responsibilities

Community Resources

  • Idaho Supreme Court The guardianship/conservatorship link on the Idaho Supreme Court website provides a lot of information and links. A person is able to download the required guardian report and accounting forms. If someone has a complaint regarding a case that has already been filed then the form is listed at this location.   Potential terms, statutes, court rules, and the online training for prospective guardians and conservators that will provide education are also provided on this website.
  • Idaho Volunteer Lawyer’s Program   or   1-800-221-3295If someone is in need of an attorney and cannot afford the services. An application can be printed or filled out on line at the above web address. If the person does not have access to a computer they can call the above toll free number. This website also lists all available legal clinics throughout the State.
  • Idaho State Bar If someone needs a referral for an attorney regarding a guardianship then they can put in a request at the above website. There is also an attorney directory for contact information. They can also download the Q & A Guardianship/ Conservatorship Brochure that answers many questions on the responsibilities and duties required after appointment.
  • Guardianship/Conservatorship Legal Clinics-Twin Falls County Courthouse
    Contact Numbers:

    Jerry Woolley (Court Assistance Office) 208-736-4136
    Kasey Kliegl (5th Dist. Guardianship/Conservatorship Monitoring Office) 208-737-6810.  If someone needs legal advice regarding less restrictive options and regarding guardianships/conservatorships then they can sign up for this legal clinic. A licensed attorney will be on hand to answer questions. The person needs to contact the above two numbers to receive the dates and to sign up for the class beforehand.

Twin Falls County Board of Community Guardians: